Tips on Marketing Yourself for a Role | SearchDATA | Blog

You don’t have to be a business development expert, a savvy sales guru, or marketing mogul to market yourself. Putting yourself in a better position than your competition to secure a role is hard. Heck, starting your job search is hard, it’s a job getting a job. This blog intends to provide quick tips on marketing yourself for a role to improve your visibility in the job market. Let’s get straight into it!

Build your personal brand

What does your brand presence currently look like? Marketing yourself starts with a social platform – LinkedIn is a good place to begin. You need to let employers know who you are and what you can offer, so they know what to offer you…

A website might be one step too far, but you can use LinkedIn to build a portfolio. The open to work badge on your profile picture improves your visibility immediately. Why not post some industry content you’ve found? Perhaps an article around market trends and your thoughts alongside it. Or maybe showcase some of your work? Adding value in this way shows you’re pro-actively building your personal brand. Use LinkedIn learning to increase your skills and earn certificates; endorse your friends’ skills whilst building a network!

Build your network

It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. Trust us, what you know comes after! What can you bring to others, and what can they bring to you? Connect, comment on and share content you find engaging, building up those connections and platform presence. If the hiring manager of a company sees your content, the name will be familiar when your application lands. Marketing yourself means improving visibility. So, how can you be seen?

By investing in your skills

Tech skills will get you the job, whilst soft skills like communication and organisation let you thrive in it. So, look to improve your hard skills by taking courses to broaden your skill set. An Excel course via Microsoft is free, you can learn Power BI software for free… These are just some examples of ways to upskill yourself. Shout about it with endorsed skills in your about section on LinkedIn!

As always, our consultants, as well as our very own marketing mogul are at hand to help you with any questions you have. Please feel free to get in touch. See you in a fortnight for our next blog!